Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kenosha Training Crit

After riding for 2 and a half hours with Mountain Goat and a few of the local celebrities, I rolled up a good 15 minutes before the start warmed up and ready to go. Abd had a solid team there with 5 or 6 riders in the small field of less then 20 riders. A few attacks launched and Eric Loberg was the first to get away and build a good 20 second gap. I went to the front and flexed a little bit setting tempo at slightly over 400 watts for the next 2 laps to bring that back. Abd countered as soon as Eric was back in the fold. A few laps later I got in a move that looked promising with A clif bar rider, One of the white brothers and myself. A lap later I saw the tables start to swing as 2 Abd riders started to bridge the gap. I knew this would pretty much seal my fate if they caught on. So I tried to pick our groups pace up. They caught us soon after that. I attacked as much as I could, and got away with one of the white brothers in the last lap. He sat on me the entire lap, I was just trying to hold on for 2nd. He attacked me right before the last turn. I didn't have the legs to follow. Abd still led the chase behind for the other white brother behind and he closed quickly in the home stretch and passed me a few meters before the finish. 3rd with both White brothers in front of me. I finished the day disappointed with myself. I rode 2 hours after to get some extra training in.

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